I just wanted to share my story so far...
I have a 29 gallon and have been using EI since the new year. At first I was using DIY Yeast reactors and upgraded to compressed about 2 weeks ago. The compressed CO2 is much better, althought the Milwaukee regulator is finicky on the settings. I usually have to check/fine tune it in the morning before leaving for work and setting it on the timer.
Cranked the CO2 up a bit today and... when I got back from work noted a fair amount of pearling! CO2, CO2, CO2! Everything else was constant in the past few weeks, only the CO2 has changed and it brought about some nice bubbles coming up from the plants! I'm going to try and hit this sweet spot more often and keep the bubble rate at this level, my regulator just seems to act up.
Anyway, my only issue I want to conquer is my brown algae. It likes to grow on my bacopa and hygrophilia difformis. The hygro grows nice new green leaves and in about a week the brown algae catches up. I am going to let it be and pay attention to the CO2 and see if the brown dies back.
I have been using test kits about 1/5 as much as I did before. My fish are much hardier than I thought fish were.
In other news... I have a digital scale which measures 20g accurate to 0.002g. I saw the KH reference solution posting and am going to try and make my own ref. solution in conjunction with a drop checker. Pulled out my old chemistry books and believe I can make a fairly accurate reference solution with the scale.
Just wanted to share and say thanks for the information throughout this bulletin board. Very helpful! Too much information on the internet which does not seem to be correct (I can't say for sure if it is or not but my findings are not consistent with a lot of it)!
I just wanted to share my story so far...
I have a 29 gallon and have been using EI since the new year. At first I was using DIY Yeast reactors and upgraded to compressed about 2 weeks ago. The compressed CO2 is much better, althought the Milwaukee regulator is finicky on the settings. I usually have to check/fine tune it in the morning before leaving for work and setting it on the timer.
Cranked the CO2 up a bit today and... when I got back from work noted a fair amount of pearling! CO2, CO2, CO2! Everything else was constant in the past few weeks, only the CO2 has changed and it brought about some nice bubbles coming up from the plants! I'm going to try and hit this sweet spot more often and keep the bubble rate at this level, my regulator just seems to act up.
Anyway, my only issue I want to conquer is my brown algae. It likes to grow on my bacopa and hygrophilia difformis. The hygro grows nice new green leaves and in about a week the brown algae catches up. I am going to let it be and pay attention to the CO2 and see if the brown dies back.
I have been using test kits about 1/5 as much as I did before. My fish are much hardier than I thought fish were.
In other news... I have a digital scale which measures 20g accurate to 0.002g. I saw the KH reference solution posting and am going to try and make my own ref. solution in conjunction with a drop checker. Pulled out my old chemistry books and believe I can make a fairly accurate reference solution with the scale.
Just wanted to share and say thanks for the information throughout this bulletin board. Very helpful! Too much information on the internet which does not seem to be correct (I can't say for sure if it is or not but my findings are not consistent with a lot of it)!