I have been growing some stems of Ludwigia Repens in my relatively low light tank, with high CO2 concentration. It grew pretty well, with full sized leaves, but much slower than usual. The last time I pruned and replanted, I only planted one stem of the Ludwigia, and put it back near the rear glass, very low in the tank - short stem. It did very poorly, eventually sprouting a couple of leaves, but finally rotting. So, figuring that was a low light area, today I measured the PAR intensity there - it was about 30 - 40 micromols. Where I had been growing it I tested the light and got about 40-50 micromols. This may indicate that the minimum light to grow Ludwigia Repens is 40-50 micromols.
Does anyone have similar data for other plants or even for this plant?
Does anyone have similar data for other plants or even for this plant?