Mazzei for Eheim filter


Guru Class Expert
Oct 25, 2007
Hi all,
I have an Eheim 2228, rated at 1050 litres per hour. I am considering to use Mazzei injector but have no idea which model is suitable for my filter. The hose size for the output on the Eheim 2228 is 12/16 mm.

Please help.


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

I am unsure whether the Eheim have enough pressure to drive a Mazzei.

However, it seems to be trial and error with canisters and mazzeis.

I would suggest the 384 or 384x and go from there. They are the smaller sizes.

Just use adaptors/fittings/etc to increase or decrease to fit with your current plumbing.

Someone else who uses a canister and venturi should chime in soon.


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

I can only relate my experiences with Mag pumps to drive one.

1. I had a 584 powered by a Mag 500 with the outlflow into the sump, where it got picked up by the sump pump. Worked okay, but not well enough. Some mist.

2. I tried a Mag 1800 with both a 584 and 384, same setup as #1. Worked better and kept the DC green, but still not enough. Some mist, but good dissolved c02. I noticed no real difference between the two models, but gave each one only 1 day, and then I went back to my Panworld 250 PS.

Experimentation is the key.

Good luck.


Guru Class Expert
Dec 15, 2007
I email Tech Service at Mazzei an this is what he told me about my Mag 5

{ Thank you for contacting -------------------. We should have an injector model that will work well for your application. You don’t mention how much CO2 you want to inject, but typically it is a very small amount for applications such as yours. If this is the case, you can use a ½” Model 384P injector installed in a bypass assembly and “tune” the water flow rate to meet your needs. This would allow you to use the same injector with the Mag 5 now, and a different pump in the future.}

I run my pump inline with a UV, and Heater, my AM1000 CO2 Reactor is what i will be replacing with Mazzei and replace my pump at Tax time { if we have any by then!!} with a Gen-X 40 or 50. I might add 2 2 Koralia Pumps to improve water movement in my 110g tank {60x18x24} for now and if i do get good results with this i might just keep my Mag 5.