This is only a one parameter (direction) light design, what would occur if you had another going the other way on the rear?
Then one in the middle?
Which of the possible say.........7 different combinations might work best for plants?
For viewing fish, our own eyes and perceptions?
For plants, all 3.
For our eyes, the suggestion above.
For reduced glass algae and still decent growth, likely the one directly in the middle, and the front angled one.
For spread with min wattage, the one in the front and the one in the rear.
Depends on the goal/trade offs.
With my open top, I can tilt the fixture to do this, vary the no# of bulbs/color temps etc, to get pretty much most of these effects.
I cannot get a full bowl effect however.
Maybe a flexible expandable hood would be nice?
I use the above angling for fish coloring highlights for Discus tanks.
The light tends to be lower powered and color aesthetic specific.
This gives the fish their best appearance.
1= bulb, f= front, m=middle and r=rear
These are the various comos for 3 bubs and their positioning.
You can angle these towards the center of the tank(or adjust them individually).
It's nice to be able to adjust each set up to suit your goal with the plants/aquascape.
You quickly see how spread and directional usage, algae on glass etc make this a complex issue.
Seldom discussed........
Tom barr