She who grants all things says that I can have the new 120 gal tank I've been looking at and would really like to make it a Lake Tanganyikan biotope with lots of plants. So (being very excited) have brought it home threw in some sand and rocks, jumped on the net and found out theres almost NO knowledge of Tang plants. Bummer. The only sources were Casselman"s book, Brichard's book and an excerpt from some book done by George Coulter. These list Hornwort(C. demersum), Foxtail(M. spicatum), Hydrilla verticillata, tiger lotus,Potamogeton pectinatus and schwinfurhii, Najas horrida and marina,Azolla, Water lettus,valisneria spiralis,Ceratopteris and various types of Alge. Coulter in his book says there are 27 families, 48 genera, and 81 species of plants in the lake. I know this site is more scientific in view but I'd really like to know if anyone has any better info on what other plant species are in the lake...Thanks, Jim