My soil based 10 gallon tank with no CO2 and approximately 1.2 LED watts per gallon was showing signs of K deficiency (holes in leaves of C. wendti). I dosed small amounts of K2SO4 and my leaves became unholy (sorry, couldn't resist). In relating this on another forum I received the advice that K2SO4 could react with or be changed by the soil to form sulfides and or hydrogen sulfide gas. It was suggested that KCl would make a better supplement.
I have been doing some googling and reading on the various forums and can neither confirm nor refute the assertion. My questions are thus:
1. Is it possible for K2SO4 to react with the soil to give me bad gas? (should I dose some Bean-o as well?)
2. Is Muriate of Potash (K2O) an acceptable alternative to supply K instead of K2SO4?
3. Do the same dosing levels of K2SO4 apply to KCl? This question is in regards to EI dosing in my other tanks.
The Muriate of Potash in question is the Hi-Yield brand distributed by Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. out of Texas. The guaranteed analysis is 60% soluble potash (K2O). I dunno what the other 40% is... maybe Cl? Sulfate? Nevermind, the MSDS supplied by Hi-Yield lists the chemical formula as KCl.
Any advice, thoughts, and especially, scientific observations from any and all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have been doing some googling and reading on the various forums and can neither confirm nor refute the assertion. My questions are thus:
1. Is it possible for K2SO4 to react with the soil to give me bad gas? (should I dose some Bean-o as well?)
2. Is Muriate of Potash (K2O) an acceptable alternative to supply K instead of K2SO4?
3. Do the same dosing levels of K2SO4 apply to KCl? This question is in regards to EI dosing in my other tanks.
The Muriate of Potash in question is the Hi-Yield brand distributed by Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. out of Texas. The guaranteed analysis is 60% soluble potash (K2O). I dunno what the other 40% is... maybe Cl? Sulfate? Nevermind, the MSDS supplied by Hi-Yield lists the chemical formula as KCl.
Any advice, thoughts, and especially, scientific observations from any and all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.