"Just a powerhead?"


Junior Poster
Sep 30, 2006
I have seen some post where someone has said they put the co2 out line into a powerhead intake and let it spray bubbles into the tank...Is this a better method than just running the co2 into my canister filter intake? Could I have co2 run into my canister as well as some going into a powerhead? I never see any bubbles coming out of my canister, but the water level always drops down inside it after a while. oh yeah I use diy co2....for now


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I'm not at all sure yet that there really is a best way to inject CO2 into the tank. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. I am pretty sure that DIY CO2 is very nice with a low or moderate light tank, but a royal pain for a high light tank. I keep trying different methods for getting the CO2 into the tank, finding I like each one for some reasons, but don't like them as well for other reasons. I suspect my next try will be to make a real venturi in the outlet of a powerhead and use that for venturi injected CO2 mist. This website: DIY Venturi has me really intrigued now.


Junior Poster
Sep 30, 2006
I think I will try it....I am gonna leave my co2 going into my canister (3 2L diy bottles), and add 1 2L bottle just for the powerhead to spray bubbles across the tank.....I will see what happens. Also ordered my ferts from Gregwatson.com Friday...can't wait to try the EI method, sounds so much simpler.....:D