Java fern problem


Guru Class Expert
Jun 8, 2007
I have java ferns that used to grow and propagate rapidly to the point where I started throwing them away, but for the past few months they are gradually turning brown on some leaves and dying. Also, my sword which has flowered is growing new plants, but they look weird like pieces of the leaves are missing. I use Excel and have been dosing Plantex and potassium at water changes. Any idea what deficiency this may be indicating? My anubias and crypts are doing well.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Mar 21, 2005
Hi Carissa,
My first inclination would be poor CO2. Not sure what's in the Plantex, are you referring to CSM+B (trace)? What are you doing for N and P? To resolve the CO2 issue add more Excel, but NO3 & PO4 need to be resolved.



Junior Poster
Oct 1, 2005
I have seen the same problem in my tank. When I started my tank the java fern's were growing like crazy but after the plant biomass increased a lot the java fern's started turning brown and dying. I was adding excel but it didn't seem to help and all my nutrient levels were good. Problem cleared when I switched to C02 and hasn't been back.


Guru Class Expert
Jun 8, 2007
Yes, sorry, it's CSM+B. Nitrate and phosphate are both somewhat high anyway now so I haven't been adding any (high fish load, heavy feedings) This problem has actually seemed to have gotten worse since I started using Excel (from non-co2). That's why I was thinking it may be nutrient related. I had co2 in the past on and off and my java ferns were the only plants that seemed totally unaffected by the fluctuating levels of co2. I stopped because I was sick of diy and didn't want to invest in a system. It's about 25 gallons of water and I'm adding close to a capful a day of Excel (a capful being the standard dose for 50 gallons). I'm afraid to increase it any more than that.