It's CO2.
I'm telling ya.
As a plant grows and gets progressively larger, it also consumes progressively more CO2 to maintain the rate of growth. The rate increases exponentially.
Now at some point if you have either a non CO2 or a CO2 method, there will be a a place where it did well, only later it crashed and went black..........
These are the observations here and for the last 2 decades.........
Same deal with Caulperas in marine systems etc and several other FW plants.
Java fern does not need much light, does well with lower nutrients, however, while it does pretty good with out CO2, it still needs some CO2.
If you amplify growth using CO2 enrichment, then you need to adjust the CO2 as it grows in. Same for many plants.
The other thing if you do not want change things: prune the plants more often, then you will not run into this. Java takes about 3-4 weeks to start to really recover after a blackening using CO2.
This is no mystery. I've raised literally pounds of Java in a 350 Gallon tank for several years now. Every blacken event has without fail, been due to poor CO2.
Sometimes the CO2 would run out during the mid week and the fern would blacken some.
After a few times, say get to know what is causing it.
The nutrients have run all over in the tank for various reasons, the CO2 is still the biggest issue.
In several small non CO2 tanks, as the Java grew in, it was doing great, then it crashed. While nutrients could be suspected, I used a modified non CO2 nutrient dosing to address that, so the only limiting factor is CO2 and the expression was identical to the low CO2 issue in the others tanks.
Now it might have been some other nutrient issue, but, with 10X of repeated measures and good insurances that I had good nutrients most of the time, I think it's safe to say it's CO2.
The next step is to induce the blackening on purpose, which I did recently.;
So at this point, I'm pretty clear and feel pretty good what it is caused by.
If you can induce the condition several times, then you have a very likely candidate.
I have plenty of java to play with, so it's not an issue.
Tom Barr