I am in the process of putting together a 55 gallon planted aquarium. These are my intentions however, I’m not too sure if it will create a problem down the line.
1. I purchased ADA Aqua Soil – Amazonia Normal, is it advantageous to use a layer of laterite underneath the Aqua Soil? I know it isn’t necessary but won’t the laterite provide the rooted plants the opportunity to feed from there roots? I mean it wouldn’t hurt, would it?
2. I would like to gas off the co2 in a mist using a venturi by installing it on the return line of my eheim 2028. Does that filter have enough pressure to push the gas through or do I need a dedicated pump. I will be using pressurized co2.
3. I plan to use two eheim filters, one 2028 the other is the 2217 or another 2028 (not sure yet). I can alternate cleaning the filters and if one stops working, I still have another one to carry the load. Can I use the secondary filter as a dedicated means of injecting co2 into the tank? Would a reactor be a better choice over the venturi?
4. Also, is it safe to use purigen and zeolite together in one of my filters to try to tame the ammonia spikes during cycling? I will also do 50% water changes every other day for two to three weeks.
5. I will be following EI for dosing. I have purchased TMG and Flourish Iron so far. Where can I purchase the macros that I need? What am I missing?
6. As far as lighting is concerned, I will purchase the Tek light fixture 4x55 T5HO. I really wanted a light fixture that would allow me to use four T5 or T8 30w to 40w fluorescent tubes but I haven’t been able to locate any.
7. I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank for the fish. I’m using Tupperware to give my plant a “bath” with potassium permanganate before planting them in the aquarium. Does anyone know the recommended measurement of potassium permanganate for one U.S. gallon of water to soak the plants in?
If I missed anything please chime in. I’m trying to carefully weight my options and cover my bases. In about a year I would like to purchase a 75 gallon tank and sell the 55 gallon but keep the equipment to use in the 75 gallon so my equipment will have to work in my upgraded tank.
I haven't had an aquarium in years so any advice is welcomed.
1. I purchased ADA Aqua Soil – Amazonia Normal, is it advantageous to use a layer of laterite underneath the Aqua Soil? I know it isn’t necessary but won’t the laterite provide the rooted plants the opportunity to feed from there roots? I mean it wouldn’t hurt, would it?
2. I would like to gas off the co2 in a mist using a venturi by installing it on the return line of my eheim 2028. Does that filter have enough pressure to push the gas through or do I need a dedicated pump. I will be using pressurized co2.
3. I plan to use two eheim filters, one 2028 the other is the 2217 or another 2028 (not sure yet). I can alternate cleaning the filters and if one stops working, I still have another one to carry the load. Can I use the secondary filter as a dedicated means of injecting co2 into the tank? Would a reactor be a better choice over the venturi?
4. Also, is it safe to use purigen and zeolite together in one of my filters to try to tame the ammonia spikes during cycling? I will also do 50% water changes every other day for two to three weeks.
5. I will be following EI for dosing. I have purchased TMG and Flourish Iron so far. Where can I purchase the macros that I need? What am I missing?
6. As far as lighting is concerned, I will purchase the Tek light fixture 4x55 T5HO. I really wanted a light fixture that would allow me to use four T5 or T8 30w to 40w fluorescent tubes but I haven’t been able to locate any.
7. I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank for the fish. I’m using Tupperware to give my plant a “bath” with potassium permanganate before planting them in the aquarium. Does anyone know the recommended measurement of potassium permanganate for one U.S. gallon of water to soak the plants in?
If I missed anything please chime in. I’m trying to carefully weight my options and cover my bases. In about a year I would like to purchase a 75 gallon tank and sell the 55 gallon but keep the equipment to use in the 75 gallon so my equipment will have to work in my upgraded tank.
I haven't had an aquarium in years so any advice is welcomed.