Well, at 2 seconds behind the time trial's specialist, it's already looking good and Ullrich is 1 minute behind already.
34 mph for 19km! I can do that for about 4 minutes on a very good day and then I die.
I am almost rooting for Ullrich, he's been beaten for 5 years and Lance getting 2nd would not be any thing to shrug at after 6 wins.
But I'd still bet my $ on Lance.
Plant Fest is in the way of the Death Ride in the Sierra's 15,000ft of climbing at over 6000ft and passes at 12,000ft for 130 miles. I'll have to change the dates next year to accomodate the ride!!
A Tour of CA would be brutal.
Our Iowa hill ride is 8000ft and 66miles, then there's the monster ride that links that to 16,000ft and 135 miles, worse than the death ride due to the steeper grades(around 12% for 2 mile section, you pedal out of the saddle and each pedal, you come to a complete stop before the next down stroke!).
And I'm stupid enough to go ride with pros......it's okay, they wait for me
But when I ride with my MT bike friends, they get murdered and I wait for them The gradfes are sometimes as steep as the steeper MT grades but we go faster and have smaller chain gear ratios, so when I'm on a MT bike, those steep hills look much easier and I don't mind hopping out of the saddle for any steep sections. Few Mt bikers enjoy more than 2-3000ft climbs either for each ride.
Well, time to go ride some hills
Tom Barr
34 mph for 19km! I can do that for about 4 minutes on a very good day and then I die.
I am almost rooting for Ullrich, he's been beaten for 5 years and Lance getting 2nd would not be any thing to shrug at after 6 wins.
But I'd still bet my $ on Lance.
Plant Fest is in the way of the Death Ride in the Sierra's 15,000ft of climbing at over 6000ft and passes at 12,000ft for 130 miles. I'll have to change the dates next year to accomodate the ride!!
A Tour of CA would be brutal.
Our Iowa hill ride is 8000ft and 66miles, then there's the monster ride that links that to 16,000ft and 135 miles, worse than the death ride due to the steeper grades(around 12% for 2 mile section, you pedal out of the saddle and each pedal, you come to a complete stop before the next down stroke!).
And I'm stupid enough to go ride with pros......it's okay, they wait for me
But when I ride with my MT bike friends, they get murdered and I wait for them The gradfes are sometimes as steep as the steeper MT grades but we go faster and have smaller chain gear ratios, so when I'm on a MT bike, those steep hills look much easier and I don't mind hopping out of the saddle for any steep sections. Few Mt bikers enjoy more than 2-3000ft climbs either for each ride.
Well, time to go ride some hills
Tom Barr