Introduce yourself and tell us what do you keep?

Brad in Roanoke

New Member
Jun 4, 2023
Roanoke, VA USA
Greetings! I'm a complete newbie to planted tanks. Years ago I kept fish only tanks, but my brother has inspired me to start up aquascaping. I am currently acquiring knowledge and hardware. I plan to set up a low tech, dirted fifty gallon tank, which was gifted to me when my brother got a new 125 gallon. I have the tank/stand, off the back filter, LED light, and heater. I plan to scrub out the tank and start placing some hardscaping soon. I've learned quite a lot from the forum here, and will continue to read. Pics will follow.
Regards, Brad


New Member
Jun 5, 2023
Hi everyone!

I'm really pleased to have found this forum. I'm fairly new to this world however I have been really enjoying learning more. I currently am keeping tropical fish in a 20 gallon tank - if anyone has any tips for a newbie like me please let me know! :)
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Victor Ng-Thow-Hing

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May 1, 2019
Los Altos, CA
I have been in the aquarium hobby for many, many years.
I am looking for answers to questions about plant tanks.
Here is one of my most recent aquariums.
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Hi Leo, I really love your tank and wanted to do something similar to what you did with the emersed portion of your tank. Can you describe how you set that part up? Are you growing the plants above in potting soil filled in cavities of driftwood?
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New Member
Aug 29, 2023
Excited to be a member here. Here are the three tanks im running now. Looking to expand my knowledge in the hobby.


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New Member
Aug 31, 2023
Hello! My name is Adam. I am in the suburbs of Chicago. I have a 75 gallon with a red eared slider, platies, guppies, trout goodeids, cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, hornwort, java moss, and salvinia. I also have a 40 breeder with a Northern Map turtle, platies, bronze Corydoras, glowlight tetras, 4 L-236 plecos, 2 bristlenose plecos, otocinclus, a single female Betta, a pair of gardneri killifish, an aquarium lily, frogbit, hornwort, salvinia, giant vallisneria, buce, moneywort, and java moss. I also have a 10 gallon with a male Betta, habrosus corydoras, some wabenmuster ancistrus, black neocaridina, cabomba, crypts, moneywort, wendylov java fern, amazon sword, duckweed and frogbit. Also a 3.7 gallon with just plants - in it is buce, moneywort, salvinia, guppy grass and camaroon moss.


New Member
Jan 29, 2024
Getting back, or at least trying to. Was a member here 15 years ago or so - but that email address is long gone, so newbe again. Still have my 56 gallon, changing some hardware and doing a bunch of research. I could say my tank has no plants at the moment, but that is not 100% accurate. I tried a moss tank last reboot (with autodosing EI and CO2 - petty sure my rocks still have spores, They are already pearling again. Have tried a lot of lighting options, right now I have a Kessel - but have not had a successful planted tank with it yet (I never thought the moss tank was actually successful).
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Don C

New Member
Apr 28, 2022
I have two 75 gallon tanks with dirt substrates and a pool filter sand cap. One 75 gallon has CO2 injected via a Rex Grigg reactor and Kessil A160 lights and planted well. The second has two Hygger lights with no CO2 and almost no plants. My Silver Dollars are plant piranhas.


New Member
Mar 28, 2024
Hello! New to the forums, have been very active in reddit communities for years but with the API changes a lot of those communities have gone downhill.

Been fishkeeping since I was 14 years ago, with varying success!

Right now I have a 15G tank with a monte carlo carpet, red rotola, and snails (Betta passed a few months ago), a 20G with a DHG carpet and candy cane tetras, and a 75G "playground" with several tetra species along with a couple of Bristlenose plecos and lots of plants.

Currently battling a BBA outbreak that has exploded over the past month in the 75G but fingers crossed the latest treatment efforts finally kick it to the curb!

I am working on building a stand for a 120G cornerflo tank and then I am planning to combine all of the tanks into that one. Hopefully posting a thread soon to get some feedback on that process and journal it!


New Member
Apr 15, 2024
Costa Rica
Hello all, my name is Adrian, I’m from Costa Rica. I’ve been keeping aquariums since 2008… I’ve tried several styles, I’ll post some pics later.
Right now I have 2: a 50gl south east Asia aquarium, and a small 10 gallon planted aquarium. The latter one is the one stealing most of my attention nowadays.


New Member
May 3, 2024
South Fulton, GA USA
My name is John. I live in Atlanta, GA. Have been doing this for awhile. Years ago I had two pair of Heros efasciatus (Sevrum). Recently I had quite a few freshwater Angelfish. Things were going well and I acquired a 120 gallon, and then a (reef-ready) 90, but before I could get these set up something happened and am now down to one surviving angel, a pleco, and a few tetras, all of which I've had for several years now. Was not able to diagnose the exact illness that took down one aquarium after another. Most often the first symptom was simply dead fish, but several also developed swim bladder problems, usually after being harassed by another fish. Ugh. I read everything I could and tried everything I could afford.
Still, I haven't given up hope. Not yet.
Now, I'd like to first move the angel and pleco to the 90, the tetras to a 55, and aquascape the 120 in a Nature or ADA style. Fingers crossed. (I promise pics ;) )
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New Member
Aug 30, 2024
Maryland, USA
Hi, new here but not to the hobby. I've been keeping planted tanks off and on since the '90s, all shapes and sizes, 2g nanos up to a 125g. At the moment I just replanted a 3g that was sitting in the window with a bunch of water sprite and found a lovely calico betta to live there.

I want to set up something bigger, in the 30-40g range, but I'm tired of weekly 50% water changes for running EI on larger tanks. I'm here to see what else has developed over the years.


New Member
Oct 20, 2024
Portland OR
Recently got back into the fish hobby when my son asked for a betta. That was a few years ago, he has since lost interest. So I built a mini "fish room" in the garage. I have three 10gal, and a 2.5gal tank. About to set up a 20h. Just got CO2 set up for the first time about a month ago. It's been fun learning most of what I was taught the first time I kept fish was not true. Relearning and unlearning has been interesting. Herd about the forum one of Cory's (Coop) live streams.