Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what do you keep?
Hi, I'm Matt and I currently have 4 high light, CO2 injected tanks, 2 low light non-co2 tanks and one very sad looking emmersed setup tank. I started with plants in December of '03 with my 75g. I have had fish since the mid eighties and was determined to keep plants alive when I started.
Tom helped me clear up a case of Green Water when I first started and gave me some dosing advice. I didn't know it was EI at the time but it worked well. So well that I had to get more tanks for my trimmings. I got tired of throwing all of those trimmings away.
As far as the tanks go...
75g Show Tank
Eco Complete/Tahitian Moon Sand substrate, 206w of light (96w T-8, 110w CF) pressurized CO2, Clear PVC DIY reactor (2) Magnum 350 filters, Milwaukee SMS 122 controller.
Fauna - 3 Cobalt Blue Discus, 2 trios of Apistogramma borelli 'Opal', Otos, Cherry Red Shrimp. Looking for a nice school of Rummy Nose to replace my R. heteromorphas I gave away this weekend at a plant club meeting.
55g low maintenance - mostly anubias and java fern tank
SAPS/Flourite/Florabase substrate, ~ 200w ODNO 48" 6500K T-8 flourescent light, pressurized CO2 with PVC DIY DIY reactor, Eheim ECCO 2233, Furniture Grade DIY hood and stand
Fauna - School of Cardinal Tetras and Otos. Looking for a pair of German Blue Rams with 'normal' fins
55g grow out/extra trimmings tank - mostly stem plants
SAPS/Flourite/Florabase substrate, ~ 200w ODNO 48" 6500K T-8 flourescent light, pressurized CO2 with PVC DIY CO2 reactor, Eheim ECCO 2233, Furniture Grade DIY hood and stand
Fauna - currently fish and shrimp free
30g former Tonina tank
Eco Complete/Tahitian Moon Sand substrate, ~90w ODNO 36" T-8 9325K flourescent light, pressurized CO2 with PVC DIY CO2 reactor, Eheim ECCO 2231, Furniture Grade DIY hood and stand
Fauna - School of Boraras brigittae, otos, Cherry Red shrimp
10g non CO2
Tahitian Moon Sand Substrate, 15w 9325K flourescent light, no CO2, Whisper 10 filter
Fauna - School of Boraras maculatus and erythromicron, Cherry Red Shrimp, Bumble Bee or Bee shrimp
5g corner tank - 2 yo son's tank- gotta start 'em young
Tahitian Moon Sand substrate, 10w 6500K spiral flourescent light, no CO2, included Eclipse bio wheel filter
Fauna - 1 Betta, 2+ fancy guppies, Cherry Red Shrimp, It's my son's tank
10g Emmersed setup - Peat moss and play sand substrate, sunlight
Trying to grow C. nurii, C. lutea, C. wendtii, and HC but failing miserably. Too hot on the deck, even in the shade. Will re-set up this tank in the future off of the deck, probably in the shade of some trees.
I keep a large variety of plants in my tanks. I think I had 60 or so different species at last count. I've gotten rid of a few and gained a few since the last count. I think I'm over the collectoritis stage now...maybe
Newest goal is to get rid of the 2 55g tanks and the 30g tank and go with a 180g lower maintenance tank. It will be CO2 injected and will probably have high light so I can keep trimmigs in it until someone takes them off of my hands. I have a PinPoint Controller and AquaMedic Reactor 1000 on hand for this tank and just need to make the stand and canopy and figure out filtration (maybe a sump) for the tank.