I am contemplating migrating to EI Dosing in the near future.
However before I start to think about switching I have two basic questions.
1. Using the water changing barrel I have, we can only change 24-28 gallons which is less than half, of the 72 gallon tank we have. Would this amount of water change still facilitate the weekly reset? Realizing that the net water volume of the tank is 60 gallons, we are not far from the 50 % mark
2. Is there any history of EI and Discus? Longevity results are probably nonexistent. We can see where the plants would flourish with EI . However some species of fish require purer water. Logically, over fertilization for extended periods of time, surely can't be beneficial to fish or humans.
I am contemplating migrating to EI Dosing in the near future.
However before I start to think about switching I have two basic questions.
1. Using the water changing barrel I have, we can only change 24-28 gallons which is less than half, of the 72 gallon tank we have. Would this amount of water change still facilitate the weekly reset? Realizing that the net water volume of the tank is 60 gallons, we are not far from the 50 % mark
2. Is there any history of EI and Discus? Longevity results are probably nonexistent. We can see where the plants would flourish with EI . However some species of fish require purer water. Logically, over fertilization for extended periods of time, surely can't be beneficial to fish or humans.