Initial Questions About EI Dosng Strategies

The Rockster

Guru Class Expert
Aug 10, 2007
South Florida

I am contemplating migrating to EI Dosing in the near future.

However before I start to think about switching I have two basic questions.

1. Using the water changing barrel I have, we can only change 24-28 gallons which is less than half, of the 72 gallon tank we have. Would this amount of water change still facilitate the weekly reset? Realizing that the net water volume of the tank is 60 gallons, we are not far from the 50 % mark

2. Is there any history of EI and Discus? Longevity results are probably nonexistent. We can see where the plants would flourish with EI . However some species of fish require purer water. Logically, over fertilization for extended periods of time, surely can't be beneficial to fish or humans.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Mar 12, 2009
1) Just do two 30% water changes for the same effect. 28 gal every time would do it as well if you toss in the extra WC every month or so.

2) The picture Tom posted to you about a week ago showing discus and angels in a tank has spawning discus in it; not sure about fry survival rates. I spawn apistos in EI tanks and raise the fry in them until they're large enough to be moved to grow-out tanks. There's a lot of paranoia about ferts, but I haven't seen anything to justify it outside of sourcing irrelevant information about cold water fish, human sensitivity, and organic nitrogen. Inorganic nitrogen with warm water fish at EI levels really doesn't seem to be an issue from any of the reading I've done.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
I've seen 3 generations of Discus in the same planted tank using EI dosing.

So seems rather doubtful.

Folks kill fish for many reasons,m and if you have no control, you cannot say why they had issues.
If they do breed and behave, as well as live long time frames with no issues, well.......then you can say it's not due to the dosing.

I've never met anyone to date who has definitely killed a fish, any type, with ferts.

I have met and heard folks that kill fish using CO2 gas almost weekly for the last decade+.
Now why do folks cry about nutrients, yet look the other way with CO2 enrichment usage???

The risk factor is 10000X greater at least.

Tom Barr

The Rockster

Guru Class Expert
Aug 10, 2007
South Florida
Sorry If This Is a Double Post.....I Can't Fnd the Orginal

Philosophos;44570 said:
1) Just do two 30% water changes for the same effect. 28 gal every time would do it as well if you toss in the extra WC every month or so.

2) The picture Tom posted to you about a week ago showing discus and angels in a tank has spawning discus in it; not sure about fry survival rates. I spawn apistos in EI tanks and raise the fry in them until they're large enough to be moved to grow-out tanks. There's a lot of paranoia about ferts, but I haven't seen anything to justify it outside of sourcing irrelevant information about cold water fish, human sensitivity, and organic nitrogen. Inorganic nitrogen with warm water fish at EI levels really doesn't seem to be an issue from any of the reading I've done.

Isn't 28 gallons close enough to 50% of the 60 gallons?( Hard to believe 2-3 gallons would change the results)

Never found my post or any responses, after uploading it, the day of the new forum software, implementation.

Looked in my subscribed threads, many times since, and can't find it. Used the search mode to no avail.

Can't seem to keep the checks in the boxes for instant email notification , so that feature isn't working.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Mar 12, 2009
28 gals would be close enough if you get it right up to the top every time. I tend to push my WC's into the 60-70% range and everything looks happier for it. I like to consider 50% a minimum level, and I try to change more or throw in the odd extra WC. I find there's at least 1 day out of any month that the tank looks like it could use the extra. Just my personal experience.


Guru Class Expert
Oct 18, 2009
more water change, more good

Philosophos;44581 said:
28 gals would be close enough if you get it right up to the top every time. I tend to push my WC's into the 60-70% range and everything looks happier for it. I like to consider 50% a minimum level, and I try to change more or throw in the odd extra WC. I find there's at least 1 day out of any month that the tank looks like it could use the extra. Just my personal experience.

water change good :)

more water change, more good :cool:

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
You really cannot over do the water changes with plants/discus really, as long as you add the CO2/nutrients back etc.
Relalt becomes a labor issue for yourself, than a management issue for the aquarium based a two opposing factors of doom or servitude:

How much and how many can you get away with?
With experience and careful observation, you can reduce the water changes down to a level that's good for you and the fish/plants.
Risky if you push too far or do not carefully observe things, tank, fish etc.

Overkill? You stay on top of things, but perhaps more than you need too, waste time and labor, but you know things are well run and a gram of prevention is worth a kilogram of cure.

We all have our moods and go down both paths some. Try to reduce the risk and observe closely.

Tom Barr