Having problems...my set up is as follows:
72 gallon bowfront tank, Pro clear wet/dry 125, prefilter by LifeReef, with a prefilter sponge, pump Mag500, 2-200watt watt heaters in sump set at 84 degrees.
Substrate.- . 60lbs (or 5 bags) of Fluorite AND 80lbs (or 4 bags) of Eco-Complete: mixed together, this gave me 2 ½ - 3 inches on front and 3 ½ - 4 inches on back of tank…
Lighting - Current PC with two daylights 65 watt (10K) and two daylights 65 watt (6500K)..and two moonlights…giving me a total of 262 watts or 3.6 watts per gallon. I have timers set up so two 65 watts are on 4 hrs a day, but all four 65 watts are on 12 hrs a day....
Plants - Cryptocoryne wendti (Crypts)i, Sagittaria subulata (Narrow Leaf Sag), Sagittaria subulata (Broad Leaf Sag), Rotala Indica andmacrandra (red plants, wanted some color), Sagittaria subulata (dwarf Sag), Glossostigma elatinoides (ground cover), Microsorum pteropus (java fern) , nymphaea stellata (dwarf lily), anubias nana and dwarf onion plants.
UV Sterilizer – 15w “Current Gamma Aquarium UV”, not hooked up yet
CO2 - still working on it...
I plan on adding, after I finish cycling the tank, 3-6 rummy nose tetras, 1-2 bristle nose cats, 2 german blue ram, 1 flying foxes, 1-2 otos, and maybe some corys. After I feel the tank is stable enough, I would like to add 6-8 discus…
I set the tank up on 9/12. That day, my ph was 6.0 (tap water). On 9/16 my readings were ph 8.0, GH 4.0, KH 9.0, c02 (by grid) 2.7, NH3 0, NO2
72 gallon bowfront tank, Pro clear wet/dry 125, prefilter by LifeReef, with a prefilter sponge, pump Mag500, 2-200watt watt heaters in sump set at 84 degrees.
Substrate.- . 60lbs (or 5 bags) of Fluorite AND 80lbs (or 4 bags) of Eco-Complete: mixed together, this gave me 2 ½ - 3 inches on front and 3 ½ - 4 inches on back of tank…
Lighting - Current PC with two daylights 65 watt (10K) and two daylights 65 watt (6500K)..and two moonlights…giving me a total of 262 watts or 3.6 watts per gallon. I have timers set up so two 65 watts are on 4 hrs a day, but all four 65 watts are on 12 hrs a day....
Plants - Cryptocoryne wendti (Crypts)i, Sagittaria subulata (Narrow Leaf Sag), Sagittaria subulata (Broad Leaf Sag), Rotala Indica andmacrandra (red plants, wanted some color), Sagittaria subulata (dwarf Sag), Glossostigma elatinoides (ground cover), Microsorum pteropus (java fern) , nymphaea stellata (dwarf lily), anubias nana and dwarf onion plants.
UV Sterilizer – 15w “Current Gamma Aquarium UV”, not hooked up yet
CO2 - still working on it...
I plan on adding, after I finish cycling the tank, 3-6 rummy nose tetras, 1-2 bristle nose cats, 2 german blue ram, 1 flying foxes, 1-2 otos, and maybe some corys. After I feel the tank is stable enough, I would like to add 6-8 discus…
I set the tank up on 9/12. That day, my ph was 6.0 (tap water). On 9/16 my readings were ph 8.0, GH 4.0, KH 9.0, c02 (by grid) 2.7, NH3 0, NO2