I recently got back from Ohau, Hawaii.
I've known Charles for about 8 years via email and finally met him in person. For those who are not aware, Charles is a widely respected lecturer and writer for marine aquaria. He ventured into FW planted tanks some years back and I helped out where I could.
The public aquarium is rather small, but it well run and has nice displays, awesome corals and livestock. He has done very well with seagrasses. They have an outdoor coral frag and clam grow out tank that was truly awesome.
Nothing like real sunlight where the coral is from to grow things.
Best color on corals I've ever seen in a tank.
Due to the sun light, taking pics was impossible.
We chatted about the hobby.
He's been around longer than I and we talked about the old days and how the same things keep popping up every few years with the next new batch of hobbyists cohorts.
Many reinvent the wheel. Ole, Troels and Karen also had similar comments when they came to the AGA last fall.
Many experts really do try to help folks and Charles is one of the best ones.
As such, I try to help him in my area of specialty. Likewise, helping others is the goal to help this hobby grow. Giving back to those that helped you before by helping the next new group of hobbyist is somethinjg you might consider here.
Many of you have gained a lot of knowledge and will continue to learn.
I use to think it would be great to know all that some "expert" knew.
But truthfully, we just answer what we can as the questions come up.
I think some believe reinventing the wheel waste some time etc, but we all teach kids math, to write, read etc, even though others have already done it. Same thing here.
Folks need to do the basics to learn the more advance things in the hobby and make mistakes, gain experiences, realize that what they once thought is not quite what they thought.
I do try as do all of the folks above(as well as many others) to guide folks so they do not repeat some of the mistakes. Not everyone is willing to take such advice nor help
I'll get some pictures up a bit later.
Tom Barr
I've known Charles for about 8 years via email and finally met him in person. For those who are not aware, Charles is a widely respected lecturer and writer for marine aquaria. He ventured into FW planted tanks some years back and I helped out where I could.
The public aquarium is rather small, but it well run and has nice displays, awesome corals and livestock. He has done very well with seagrasses. They have an outdoor coral frag and clam grow out tank that was truly awesome.
Nothing like real sunlight where the coral is from to grow things.
Best color on corals I've ever seen in a tank.
Due to the sun light, taking pics was impossible.
We chatted about the hobby.
He's been around longer than I and we talked about the old days and how the same things keep popping up every few years with the next new batch of hobbyists cohorts.
Many reinvent the wheel. Ole, Troels and Karen also had similar comments when they came to the AGA last fall.
Many experts really do try to help folks and Charles is one of the best ones.
As such, I try to help him in my area of specialty. Likewise, helping others is the goal to help this hobby grow. Giving back to those that helped you before by helping the next new group of hobbyist is somethinjg you might consider here.
Many of you have gained a lot of knowledge and will continue to learn.
I use to think it would be great to know all that some "expert" knew.
But truthfully, we just answer what we can as the questions come up.
I think some believe reinventing the wheel waste some time etc, but we all teach kids math, to write, read etc, even though others have already done it. Same thing here.
Folks need to do the basics to learn the more advance things in the hobby and make mistakes, gain experiences, realize that what they once thought is not quite what they thought.
I do try as do all of the folks above(as well as many others) to guide folks so they do not repeat some of the mistakes. Not everyone is willing to take such advice nor help
I'll get some pictures up a bit later.
Tom Barr