How stiff should water flow be?


Junior Poster
Aug 9, 2008
ACT, Australia
In my 65g tank I am running a fluval 305, with the standard chute outlet. As I am currently injecting CO2 and dosing would it be prudent to switch out to a spray bar? and maybe incorporate a second powerhead to add further flow?

like this:

Also, which powerheads are reputable? As I have next to no experience with them.


D Turketo


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Nov 21, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
A Fluval 305 has a 260gph rating, I believe, which is under-powered for a 65G planted tank. I have a Fluval 305 on my 50G tank, and I added a powerhead to get more flow (and to distribute my CO2).

My understanding is that spray bars will end up causing more CO2 loss, so I'd stick with the standard chute outlet -- the chute should be high enough to cause some surface movement, but not too much agitation (or you will lose significant CO2 there also).

I understand that Maxi-Jet powerheads are reliable and inexpensive. I've used Marineland Penguins with success. The Koralias (#1 at 400gph would be fine for your tank) are a little more expensive, but might be the best bet for an overall increase in flow.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I would definitely add more flow, and the advantage of the Koralia is that it gives a large diameter, relatively slow flow. A regular powerhead gives a major blast of water in a small diameter, which can be a problem. I was not pleased with the effect of my spray bar when I used in on a Rena Filstar XP3. I feel I get much better flow now that I use this on the filter outlet: Aquarium Plumbing: Directional U-Tube. You can now buy a Maxijet powerhead with a modification that uses a model boat propeller to mimic the Koralia. That works very well too.


Junior Poster
Aug 9, 2008
ACT, Australia
Thanks for the information. That is certainly one of the more interesting modification, on par with the coke bottle diatom filter. I also notice ECOMOD have jumped on the band wagon there.

We have the Hydor Koralia's here in Australia, and they come with a hefty price tag. It seems that Maxijet is thinly stocked by local and interstate sellers. Bastardos!

How many litres/gallons per hour would be recommended? And as opposed a concentrated jet, would fitting a spray bar to a powerhead improve dispersion?


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Turketo;27784 said:
Thanks for the information. That is certainly one of the more interesting modification, on par with the coke bottle diatom filter. I also notice ECOMOD have jumped on the band wagon there.

We have the Hydor Koralia's here in Australia, and they come with a hefty price tag. It seems that Maxijet is thinly stocked by local and interstate sellers. Bastardos!

How many litres/gallons per hour would be recommended? And as opposed a concentrated jet, would fitting a spray bar to a powerhead improve dispersion?

I don't think adding a spray bar to any source of flow improves the water circulation. You need to get a mass of water moving to make it circulate, and a spray bar does the opposite. It slows down and disperses the energy of the water jet. The reason the Koralia and modified Maxijet's work so well is because they use a big propeller to drive a large diameter mass of water into motion. This greatly increases the litres/gallons per hour that they move.

If you can get a Maxijet powerhead and one of the model boat propellers of the right size, you can find the instructions on the internet for modifying the powerhead yourself. Or, you can buy, through the internet, the parts needed to modify a Maxijet. I suspect that you could do a very similar modification to many other brands of powerheads. But, it does take some mechanical skills and work.


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida
IMO, the Koralias are great.

I have all models except the III in my 180 and they help a lot!

Worth the expense, are easily placed, and quiet...........


Junior Poster
Aug 9, 2008
ACT, Australia
Well, I have purchased a pack of 6 koralia's clones at wholesale price. General figure ends up $16.50 AUD. So, that should nip the flow issue in the bud.

Now, all I need to do is wait on my light then I am rock solid for hardware me tinks. Thanks for the advice so far, it is much appreciated.

EDIT: I'd be happy to ship any of these to any members in Aust at cost +shipping.

EDIT: Erm, I meant post...not shipping. I need coffee.