my tap water . 26° Gh, pH 7.8.
650 gal, over 50 sp of plants, strong light (california sun), barely filtered. almost none fish, just plants!
EI for 2 years, but for water changes (over 60% weekly) i been use mixes of Ro and Tap water in all ratios possible so far, but i have no clear yet if hardeness directly from my tap water is affecting some plants or should i standarize a max Gh value.
Ph is lowered with heavy dose of Co2.
any help/guidance will be very much apreciate.
my tap water . 26° Gh, pH 7.8.
650 gal, over 50 sp of plants, strong light (california sun), barely filtered. almost none fish, just plants!
EI for 2 years, but for water changes (over 60% weekly) i been use mixes of Ro and Tap water in all ratios possible so far, but i have no clear yet if hardeness directly from my tap water is affecting some plants or should i standarize a max Gh value.
Ph is lowered with heavy dose of Co2.
any help/guidance will be very much apreciate.