I have been battling holes in my anubias nana and crypt lucens for a while and cannot figure out the problem. The holes are about 1-2mm diameter and sometimes much larger and appear in old and new growth. The tank has shrimp, tetras, otos and some pond and the common orange rams horn snails.
I thought it might have to do with K, Ca or Mg but I dont think so anymore.
This tank (30g) is med-high light with CO2 injection .
For ferts, I dose about 15ppm NO3 from KNO3 (9.5ppm K), 5ppm K from K2SO4, 2.5 PPM P from KH2PO4. For traces, I currently have the usual 1tbs plantex into 500mL and dose 12-18mL per week. I have dosed as high as 3x this before.
I ALSO (didn't in the past, but have for the past month or two trying to fight the holes) Seachem Equilibrium. I have a mix of 1/2 cup in 1000mL (no it doesnt all disolve in 1000mL and yes I have to shake it up and dose a suspension to the tank) and dose 1oz (30mL) at my weekly WC (40-50%). THis equilib dosage gives and additional 0.04ppm Fe, 2.03ppm Ca, 0.8 ppm Mg and 6.37ppm K .
Any ideas out there?
I thought it might have to do with K, Ca or Mg but I dont think so anymore.
This tank (30g) is med-high light with CO2 injection .
For ferts, I dose about 15ppm NO3 from KNO3 (9.5ppm K), 5ppm K from K2SO4, 2.5 PPM P from KH2PO4. For traces, I currently have the usual 1tbs plantex into 500mL and dose 12-18mL per week. I have dosed as high as 3x this before.
I ALSO (didn't in the past, but have for the past month or two trying to fight the holes) Seachem Equilibrium. I have a mix of 1/2 cup in 1000mL (no it doesnt all disolve in 1000mL and yes I have to shake it up and dose a suspension to the tank) and dose 1oz (30mL) at my weekly WC (40-50%). THis equilib dosage gives and additional 0.04ppm Fe, 2.03ppm Ca, 0.8 ppm Mg and 6.37ppm K .
Any ideas out there?