Our 40 gallon breeder is now about 2 months old. We're using pressurized CO2 and been trying to establish my routines and would like some feedback.
Lighting: 3wpg on from 7a - 11a and 4p - 10p for 10 hours.
Substrate: Flourite
CO2: I'm using the Aquariumplant.com's "Top Gun" which is a modified Milwaukee with a checkvalve. I've had trouble settling it down for a rock steady bubble count and am toying with getting a different needle valve. The CO2 is on a timer to turn off just prior to the lights lights go off and on about 45 minutes before the lights come on.
pH is about 7.0 (evening 6.9)
KH is about 5 (evening about 4.0)
GH is about 8
I figure I need to boost up the CO2 a bit to get it to 30 ppm in the evening
Ferts (from Greg Watson):
CSM+B - M, W, F (4ml of 1Tb/250ml)
KNO3 - Su, T, Th (1/2 tsp dry)
KH2PO4 - Su, T, Th (1/16 tsp dry)
We've been struggling with rich variety of algae, though I think we're gaining ground after clean ups, trimming some plants way down and a solid maintainence crew of otos, bristlenose and Amano shrimp.
Thanks, Peter
Lighting: 3wpg on from 7a - 11a and 4p - 10p for 10 hours.
Substrate: Flourite
CO2: I'm using the Aquariumplant.com's "Top Gun" which is a modified Milwaukee with a checkvalve. I've had trouble settling it down for a rock steady bubble count and am toying with getting a different needle valve. The CO2 is on a timer to turn off just prior to the lights lights go off and on about 45 minutes before the lights come on.
pH is about 7.0 (evening 6.9)
KH is about 5 (evening about 4.0)
GH is about 8
I figure I need to boost up the CO2 a bit to get it to 30 ppm in the evening
Ferts (from Greg Watson):
CSM+B - M, W, F (4ml of 1Tb/250ml)
KNO3 - Su, T, Th (1/2 tsp dry)
KH2PO4 - Su, T, Th (1/16 tsp dry)
We've been struggling with rich variety of algae, though I think we're gaining ground after clean ups, trimming some plants way down and a solid maintainence crew of otos, bristlenose and Amano shrimp.
Thanks, Peter