Problem: HC is melting and growing at the same time. About three weeks ago I added Tek T5HO 4 x 48" in place of two light banks 260W PC and 108w T5HO. Everything was growing fine a that point. Once I added the new light my HC started melting randomly. Sometime on water change day, sometime after dosing, and sometime on off days. My HC does still seem to be growing though as I get lots of pearling once I have all 4 bulbs burning. When I have a large melt I can also notice some yellowing/browning on a couple stems of downi also. I am guessing it is some king of deficiency due to the new lights just not sure what to change.
Tank Specs:
120 gal 4x2x2
T5HO Tek light (2 bulbs 1 6700k and 1 10000k on for eight hours and 2 bulbs 2 * 6700k on for the last 4.5 hours of the eight)
Filter FX5
pressurized co2, that is fed into a DIY rex grigg reactor that runs into a Mag 9.5 needle wheel.
Mid week on dosing schedule, nutrient measurements.
NO3 about 5-10 ppm (used reference solution)
PO4 about 5ppm (used reference solution)
KH 3
GH 2
Temp 26 deg Cel
Co2 maybe 5+ bubbles keeps drop checkers yellow.
My Dosing Schedule EI:
Macro's Day EOD:
NO3 2.2 grams
PO4 1.1 grams
K2SO4 10 grams
1 tsp of GH boost (three parts KSO4, thee parts CaS04, on Part MgSO4)
Mico Day EOD:
Chelated Micro Nutrients 1.5gram
My tank:
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Tank Specs:
120 gal 4x2x2
T5HO Tek light (2 bulbs 1 6700k and 1 10000k on for eight hours and 2 bulbs 2 * 6700k on for the last 4.5 hours of the eight)
Filter FX5
pressurized co2, that is fed into a DIY rex grigg reactor that runs into a Mag 9.5 needle wheel.
Mid week on dosing schedule, nutrient measurements.
NO3 about 5-10 ppm (used reference solution)
PO4 about 5ppm (used reference solution)
KH 3
GH 2
Temp 26 deg Cel
Co2 maybe 5+ bubbles keeps drop checkers yellow.
My Dosing Schedule EI:
Macro's Day EOD:
NO3 2.2 grams
PO4 1.1 grams
K2SO4 10 grams
1 tsp of GH boost (three parts KSO4, thee parts CaS04, on Part MgSO4)
Mico Day EOD:
Chelated Micro Nutrients 1.5gram
My tank:
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