I still have some very very minor GSA on some anubia leaves and some shows up on the glass (but progressivley gets less). I had been dosing 2ppm of P 3-4x a week and found out my water has around 2ppm at the tap. I had recently pulled out my glosso lawn and vacuumed my 3 year old substrate, so I think this may have leeched P in to the water as well. Well I Was bored so I Tested my P and it showed 8-10ppm. SO I am assuming I have a co2 issue right? Maybe I need to bump it up a bit. I have a KH that has fluctuated lately from 4 to 3, but my Ph is still 6.4. MAybe my PH kit and KH kit are lying a bit each way so I need to bump it up another notch, what do ya think? With all that P I shouldnt get any GSA, right??