I've been using the EI for a few months now and everything is going very well. The only problem I have is green spot algae on the glass of my tank. I am dosing the following to my 55 gal.,pressurized co2 to about 40+ ppm, 4+ wpg tank:1/2 tsp. kno3, 1/8 tsp.k2so4,1/8 tsp.kh2po4 every other day and 10-15 mls.csm+b on off days.I tested the water right before the weekly 50-65% water change and my phosphates seem rather high, 5ppm or higher.Also nitrates at the end of the week are about 30-40ppm. I tested my po4 and nitrate kits with a few standard solutions and they seem ok.I have a low fish load and don't overfeed either. Water out of the tap has no detectable no3 or po4.My kh is 3 deg. and gh I raise to about 7-9 deg. using calcium chloride and epsom salts. I'm not sure what to do about the gs algae as most people say raising po4 gets rid of it.Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,