Re: Gh testing
The amount of opposition does not matter if you are right.
Suggest that they do not believe you, suggest they try it for themselves then they will know........
2. Ask why does SeaChem, Kent, ADA, Lush gro and many other plant fertilizer companies make such PO4 and NO3 additive products for planted tanks?
Ask the question, if as they say, suppoose NO3 and PO4 excess causes algae, why when I add KNO3/KH2PO4, I have no algae then.
Accordingly to them and their theory, I should have algae/algae bloom yet it does not appear.
If as they say it causes algae, where is your algae?
For the theory to hold true, you need to have the theory actually hold up when add these nutrients.
Otherwise it's not much of a theory..............
Sort of a very basic thing.........
I'm not saying what causes the algae not to grow, that was not the question, I am saying that adding PO4/NO3(or GH, Traces) excess does not cause algae as they claim.
If it did, we should all have algae.
I generally do not change my dosing routine if things are going good, but if I test and I get a off reading that seems strange, I'll look into it more and re set the tank with a water change, test the tap as well and see how close the test kit is or is not to a standard.
I do not change my dosing routine based on the test kits as a rule.
I change the dosing routine in response to the plants.
I know, and it does not take that long to learn this, when the plants are slowing down and pearling less.
So you can guess and add more Trace/PO4,NO3 etc and/or you can re set the tank with water changes etc.
You can also "guess" about 24 hours before a water change very safely!!
Then see the response of the plants. Generally, most larger issues will perk the plants up if you added something the day before, so right before your water change, you'll know if that addition of KNO3 yesterday was what you lacked.
This is a rapid safe method to learn plant responses when things slow down in the tank for unknown reasons near the end of the week etc.
Tom Barr