What is the minimum hardness needed for plant health and growth. My tap water is pretty much stripped of minerals.
GH 12 ppm
total hardness 8.5 ppm
potassium ND
magnesium ND
TDS 5ppm
PH 8.2
I have been adding 3 Tbl. GH booster to get 150 gallons up to 3.5 dGH for each 50% water change. The problem is, it's hard to dissolve that much while I'm doing the w/c.
Tom, I know you mentioned to me in another thread that you only add 1 Tbl. during w/c in your 350 gallon project. Is the water you're using somewhat hard already?
I have scaled back on the lighting requirments for the tank and will be sticking with plants that have low to moderate lighting requirements, however I am currently growing out discus that will be moved over to the display in a few months and my main concern with water chemistry is keeping all the parameters constant while adding as little outside influence (chemicals) as possible.
GH 12 ppm
total hardness 8.5 ppm
potassium ND
magnesium ND
TDS 5ppm
PH 8.2
I have been adding 3 Tbl. GH booster to get 150 gallons up to 3.5 dGH for each 50% water change. The problem is, it's hard to dissolve that much while I'm doing the w/c.
Tom, I know you mentioned to me in another thread that you only add 1 Tbl. during w/c in your 350 gallon project. Is the water you're using somewhat hard already?
I have scaled back on the lighting requirments for the tank and will be sticking with plants that have low to moderate lighting requirements, however I am currently growing out discus that will be moved over to the display in a few months and my main concern with water chemistry is keeping all the parameters constant while adding as little outside influence (chemicals) as possible.