general ferts question


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
I am kinda in a tough spot with my tank, I have no way to gauge my iron & phosphate levels. I am afraid that they maybe low. Is there any solid way to determine this without a test kit? My wife had pretty major surgery a few weeks ago, & hasnt worked in 2 months, that along with the time I have had to miss due to her surgery being out of state, has us in a financial bind, so the kits, no matter how cheap, arent really something I can pick up.

Any advice on what to look for?


Guru Class Expert
Jun 5, 2005
Dallas, TX
Re: general ferts question

most people dont test either anymore, especially with EI method. It would be hard to overdose Iron if just using normal CSM+B or Flourish (or Flourish Iron as directed on the back). And Tom has shown that the excess PO4 is not a problem, just "a waste".

Iron testkits are known to be crappy anyway. And PO4 testkits are "iffy" at best. I wouldnt bother buying those anyway.

What product would you be using to dose these 2? On a side note, dosing PO4 and Iron at the same time shouldnt be done. Dose on seperate days.


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: general ferts question

I am not dosing anything at the moment, I was about to order the full suite from Greg, when Tammy had to quit. The money I was putting back weekly for my tank expenditure (the little things for my 10 gallon tank & saving for the stuff to finish off my big tank) had to go away for bills. Stupid spinal tumors! I told the wife (surgery went very well) that when she went back to work, she was going to have to take two jobs to get me caught up on my tank! I was just a few weeks from finishing off the stuff for the 90gall!