From Excel to Low Tech


Junior Poster
Jul 13, 2008
Hi guys, greetings and first post! I have a 170 gallon monster cichlid planted tank with sump. With Excel dosage the H. Difformis is filling the backdrop really well in the fine sand substrate filled with strategically positioned iron balls, all this in a matter of 1.5 months! Temp around 87F, pH 6.5, and lighting is 2.4wpg. Question; the Difformis is showing beautiful greenish lush growth even with irratic dosage of Excel, Iron and flourish. I was wondering what will happen if I cut back the dosage by 80% after I achieve the amount of 'bushiness' that I need? The reason is both economical and lesser maintanence. I will also half the lighting to 1.2 wpg. Do you guys think it is a good idea? What problem will I face if I go Excel to low tech (rather, reduced Excel dosage)? Will there be any possible algae outbreak? Anything else that I should take note of?

Thanks in advance!


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

A monster 170 huh? Is it a monster tank, or a large tank with Monster cichlids??? lol

Have you seen Tom's behemoth yet???


I was wondering what will happen if I cut back the dosage by 80% after I achieve the amount of 'bushiness' that I need? The reason is both economical and lesser maintanence. I will also half the lighting to 1.2 wpg. Do you guys think it is a good idea? What problem will I face if I go Excel to low tech (rather, reduced Excel dosage)? Will there be any possible algae outbreak? Anything else that I should take note of?

Even though you were dosing erratically, that is the reason for your lush difformis growth along with the lighting.

I would reduce my dosing IN CONJUCTION with the reduction in light.

High light = high/fast demand for nutrients and growth rates if all their needs are met.

So,if you reduce the light by 50% as per your plan, I would reduce my nutes by 50% as well. This is somewhat variable and you should adjust according to how the growth is.

As long as you keep things in synch, there shouldn't be an issue.

I know Tom posted some articles about dosing in low light tanks. You may want to search for it.

It is when light, bio-mass, nutrient, co2 are OUT OF BALANCE that issues arise.

Hope this helps.


Junior Poster
Jul 13, 2008
Thanks for the good and logical advice! Now I know dosing and lighting are in same constant.

Lol.... I know it is not a monster tank and the fish are a pair of Dovii around 20 inch. Substrate is actually fine coral sand. Somehow the H. Difformis is blooming really well after I add some Florish iron into it (they were some yellowing earlier). If I dose over 15ml of it for the 170gallon I get precipitation but as long as I don't over that mark things are fine. I believe this could be the doing of high KH due to the acidic water + coral sand. Am adding some dwarf sagittaria as well. The emersed leaves are rotting and hopefully I will have the submersed leaves propogating the sands between the large stones.

Will do a search on behemoth