Re: For peats sake
Well ........if you did reef,m this is quite different, and easier and more stable in the long run depending on teh species in each type of tank you want to keep, some soft corals and such are really easy and easier than any higher light CO2 enriched stem plant tank by most folk's accounts.
Then a high mainteance SPS tank can be a bugger as well.
But you are use to wasting lots of money, looking at the tank wrong and having everything die, testing, measuring all sort of things etc, worrying about all sorts of critters as well.
So in that respect, planmted tanks are much easier and easier to figure out, water changes are much easier, but large 70% water changes on reef tanks does wonders also, I've often argued that that would be better than dealing with all sorts of skimmers and other expensive crap, Kalk reactors and what not.
That is certainly the case on smaller tanks, maybe not 250 gal reef tank, but no matter how you slice it, the planted tank is cheaper.
the other thing, it takes less time to see what makes it work and why it works well than the reef tanks.
It's less a less complicated system basically when it comes to figuring things out and what and why.
the hobbyists involved are much less cientific and less willing to spend $$ on equipment, on test ktis, on calibration, on logging their measurements etc.
They have less $$ invested, so there is less reason to a certain degeree, depmding on howe the person rationalizes things.
Everyopne is different to some degree, but the cost $$$ issue is very real and folks will coddle a an expensive tank and expensive livestock much more.
Reef folks also tend to be more advanced in chemistry and their understanding of testing and the errors involved with the cheaper test kits.
They know they are cheap and need calibrated and do not mind spending the $$ for the Lamotte.
Most reef folks have such test kits, not the cheapys, at least the all the reef folks I've met and know......they have little disagreement with what I tell them also.
Tom Barr