Fish suggestion for planted aquarium


Junior Poster
Jul 2, 2008
Hyderabad, India.
Well, I am kinda bored with the regular fishes that I have kept in my tanks and am looking for something rare, striking and tight schooling. Need all these attributes in the fish.

I am bored with regular, Harlequins, Rummynoses, Neons, Cardinals, Micro rasbora sp, Rams, Angels, Betta etc etc.

I believe that this is a right place to ask as I am sure there are many here more experienced than me and may be few who share my feelings.

freshwater guy

Junior Poster
Lifetime Member
Mar 15, 2010
I have two low-tech planted tanks and here are some fish I can recommend from personal experience.
Asian: Puntius narayani, Danio sp., Devario sp., Garra flavatra,Tanichthys albonubes.
African: Alestropetersius caudalis, Ctenopoma sp., Microctenopoma sp., Pelvicachromis sp., Eutropiellus debauwie, Hymenochirus boettgeri.

None of the above fish bothers any of my plants.
My school of P. narayani continues to grow as a few fry survive by hiding in the plants until they are large enough to join their school.
For something completely different try some Africans. African tetras are very skittish and love plants to hide in. The Hymenochirus is not a fish, but these frogs are very entertaining and love hanging out among plants as much as the fish do.

Please let us know what you come up with.


Junior Poster
Jul 2, 2008
Hyderabad, India.
Thanks freshwater guy,

Nice choice of fishes.

Have not decided anything as of now, got few other options from another forum. Here is the link if it interests you.

@ Mods - I do not know if I have done any mistake by posting another forum link here, if it is so, then please inform me by a pm, so that I do not repeat this in future. My advance apology if I have broken any rules. Its purely unintentional.

freshwater guy

Junior Poster
Lifetime Member
Mar 15, 2010
Severumkid thanks for the link.
The best schooling fish I keep are the E. debauwie. The larger the school the better. In large schools they are hardy and long lived. By themselves they die quickly.
In your larger tank, Devario are terrific schooling fish.
As for larger blue fish with stripes.... well, you stumped me on that one.
The other forum mentioned Rainbows, and that sounds good to me. One day I'd love to set up a planted tank for Rainbows.
Decisions, Decisions... Please drop a line when you figure out what you're going to do.