I am starting a planted angel tank. Should I add fish that eat algea. If so what types should I put in.
55 gal, pressurized co2, flourite, 2.5 watts/gallon
55 gal, pressurized co2, flourite, 2.5 watts/gallon
metasyntax said:I've found that SAE's need a big tank real quick and might be too distracting from the slower moving Angelfish. Mine played tag all day!
I'd tell you to start with amano shrimp (1 for every 1-2g of actual water in your tank). They seem quite hardy to me, and are fairly cheap. You could go with cherry shrimp as well, but they tend to be more expensive for some reason.
Once your tank is well established, evaluate how much algae you have on the various surfaces, and then get some otto cats if nesecary. I've found them quite sensitive, and have had better luck adding them to an established tank.
IMO and all that,