I've been watching this correlation between fish food and green dust algae for some time and it's become very clearly related. Feed the fish, get green dust algae on the front glass. I took Tom's advice to up the CO2 and PO4 to no avail, so I'm wondering if there's something else I should look at.
I'm feeding TetraMin dry food into a 90 gallon with pressurized CO2, NO3 at 10-20ppm, PO4 at 2ppm, PC lights at 2 wpg on for 11 hours a day. Everything else is doing well. I don't mind cleaning the GD, but it would be nice to find a way to knock it out.
I'm feeding TetraMin dry food into a 90 gallon with pressurized CO2, NO3 at 10-20ppm, PO4 at 2ppm, PC lights at 2 wpg on for 11 hours a day. Everything else is doing well. I don't mind cleaning the GD, but it would be nice to find a way to knock it out.