It seems based on some testing I've done that my Nitrates are pretty steady between 10-20ppm and my Phosphates at 3-5ppm. All that with no macro ferts added and apparently coming from my fish bioload (I am a bit high). Therefore what I'm doing for my 72 gal as a dosing regime right now is adding Potassium with Seachem liquid Potassium (2 capfuls - 10 ml) 3x a week and CSM+B Plantex (mixed at a rate of 2 T in 500ml of water then dosed also at 10ml 3x a week) on alternate days to the Potassium. When I run out of Seachem liquid Potassium I plan to dose with K2SO4 at similar levels. I also add 1 T of Barr's GH Booster after a 50% water change on the weekend. This keeps my GH at about 2-3ppm. My KH seems to stay steady at 4-5. And my pH at 6.8-6.9. My CO2 (pressurized), using an in-line reactor, seems at 30ppm based on my lime-green drop checker water (using 4dKH water). My lighting over my 72 gal is two 2x54W Hagen T5 HO fixures on for about 9 1/2 hours a day (12 noon to 9:30pm). Substrate is a an inch or so of SoilMaster Select (new, about a month now) over a couple inches of Flourite and sand (my older substrate about a year old) I place 4-5 Flourish root tabs in various places in the substrate every month or so.
It just seems with the fish load it keeps my Nitrates and Phosphates at "decent" levels that it would be too much to dose those as well using dry ferts. My plants seem to be doing pretty good so far. Some algae (some brown just under the gravel line on the glass, some occasional GSA on the glass and a few leaves, and some BBA here and there) but nothing overwhelming.
Anything I'm missing with this logic?
It just seems with the fish load it keeps my Nitrates and Phosphates at "decent" levels that it would be too much to dose those as well using dry ferts. My plants seem to be doing pretty good so far. Some algae (some brown just under the gravel line on the glass, some occasional GSA on the glass and a few leaves, and some BBA here and there) but nothing overwhelming.
Anything I'm missing with this logic?