I'm going in for a planted tank for the first time and so i'll just give a lil background info of wot have i done till now and need to know wot shud i do after this...
Tank Info:
dimensions: 4*2*1 ft...60 gallons, 2 ft height.
Lighting: 3*40 watt osram w fluoro tubes meant for plants
Substrate: in all 4-5 inches, 2-3 inches laterite soil as my lower layer, 2 inches top layer gravel, size 1-5 mm.
Filteration: 1100 litres/hr sponge filter (having double cartridge)
Shortlisted Plant List:
amazon sword
vallisneria tortifolia
Bacopa Caroliniana
Cryptocoryne Ciliata
Pygmy Chain Sword
Egeria densa
Blyxa japonica Dwarf Blyxa
Hygrophila Difformis
Rotala Rotundfolia
Giant ambulia
Sagittaria Subulata
Myriophyllum aquaticum(parrotfeather/mil foil)
Cardamine Lyrata
Now i've bout 13 species, shortlisted and i dunno how many plants shud i actually plant in a 576 sq inch area. I wanna go for a fully planted tank.
As of now my strategy is to get about 10 stems atleast of each of these and then plant them in small bunches. Jus dunno if they'll be too many or too few...
Also i'm planning to go for a DIY CO2 setup instead of pressurized CO2. Is this an option which can be used for a 60 gallon tank? I asked this question to some other guys n they said "something's better than nothing"...if dat principle is to be followed how many yeast bottles is advisable? I was planning to go for 2.
Also regarding the diffusing part...i recently came across limewood airstone n thought i cud giveit a go...i know DIY Co2 wont generate that much of a pressure so came up with this idea...(shown in the pic)...plz comment on that too...
Thanx and Regards
I'm going in for a planted tank for the first time and so i'll just give a lil background info of wot have i done till now and need to know wot shud i do after this...
Tank Info:
dimensions: 4*2*1 ft...60 gallons, 2 ft height.
Lighting: 3*40 watt osram w fluoro tubes meant for plants
Substrate: in all 4-5 inches, 2-3 inches laterite soil as my lower layer, 2 inches top layer gravel, size 1-5 mm.
Filteration: 1100 litres/hr sponge filter (having double cartridge)
Shortlisted Plant List:
amazon sword
vallisneria tortifolia
Bacopa Caroliniana
Cryptocoryne Ciliata
Pygmy Chain Sword
Egeria densa
Blyxa japonica Dwarf Blyxa
Hygrophila Difformis
Rotala Rotundfolia
Giant ambulia
Sagittaria Subulata
Myriophyllum aquaticum(parrotfeather/mil foil)
Cardamine Lyrata
Now i've bout 13 species, shortlisted and i dunno how many plants shud i actually plant in a 576 sq inch area. I wanna go for a fully planted tank.
As of now my strategy is to get about 10 stems atleast of each of these and then plant them in small bunches. Jus dunno if they'll be too many or too few...
Also i'm planning to go for a DIY CO2 setup instead of pressurized CO2. Is this an option which can be used for a 60 gallon tank? I asked this question to some other guys n they said "something's better than nothing"...if dat principle is to be followed how many yeast bottles is advisable? I was planning to go for 2.
Also regarding the diffusing part...i recently came across limewood airstone n thought i cud giveit a go...i know DIY Co2 wont generate that much of a pressure so came up with this idea...(shown in the pic)...plz comment on that too...
Thanx and Regards