Fert purchase and 50 Gal Co2 Injection


Junior Poster
Jan 23, 2010
2 part question for ya.

1. I have a 50 Gal long with DIY Co2. I have the nutrafin C02 system, I put the output spray into a powerhead. My question is how much DIY Co2 do you need for a 50 Gal? Would I gain anything by adding a second (or third) container of Co2 to the system. Not only to regulate the flow but to bump up the output?

2. About Ferts, I plan on starting up an EI regime next week. I bought a bunch of ferts from my local hydroponics store. My question is concerning the Chelated Trace Element I recieved. THe guy said it has copper in it. I know that Copper is a no-no. So What can I use instead? CSM+B is a fish store speciality? I asked the guy for some in the hydro store and he was like wah??? I have flourish Searchem, Can I use this instead? I understand that it has trace elements aswell but I figured CSM+B is the 'crem de la crem' of trace.

Thanks for your time, Appreciate any responses.



Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 21, 2009
Surprise, AZ
Information Please

Hi Matt,

1.) Yes two or three 2-liter diy yeast would be good, depends more on how you are getting the CO2 in solute. :)

2.) Can you share information about what, precisely the 'hydroponic' fertilizers are. A little bit of copper is okay and necessary. Flourish is okay, Flourish Iron is better. Plantex CSM+B available a number of places including http://www.aquariumfertilizer.com/index.asp. Hydroponics is generally much higher level dosing and often uses ammonia based fertilizers, not good for fish. :gw



Junior Poster
Jan 23, 2010
Hey Biollante, Thanks for the response.

1. Figured, I need to go pressurized but just bought a thing of sugar and yeast so I guess I have some time to figure it out. Any good places to pick up equipment for Pressurized Co2? Canadian? heh.

2. For the ferts, I can't be specific till I go back to the store and ask. They have a website, I don't know if Im aloud to list it. Its a local company that offers a 6 pack with all the usual suspects. 3 of 4 containers I picked up are KNO3, KH2PO4, and Potas. Sulfate. The 4th is the one in question. Its labelled "trace mix" and its # 6 in the package. Anyway I'll let ya know what it contains.

I just got a pm on another forum saying that 1 person has used it with fish, shrimp, etc in minute quantities with no problems so.....I'm still going back to the store and asking.



Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 21, 2009
Surprise, AZ
Website Good!

Hi Matt,

The web site is good, list away. :)

For pressurized CO2 systems, get the best you can get, almost anything else there are work arounds. :gw

Rex Grigg and Sumo I think are the standard to meet. Left C around here has one of the best 'nuts and bolts' how to set up a quality system for the best price, if you are so inclined. :cool:



Junior Poster
Jan 23, 2010

It snowed here last night so I was out all night/day. Didn't have time to go to the store but...3 ppl have since told me that all though they do have copper in there trace mix it still won't harm fish, invertabrae's, or reptiles. (of course Im assuming within reasonable limits). I will post the exact contents when I (eventually) visit the place again.:p

So to all Canadians or anyone using Home Growns '6 pack' ferts. The trace mix DOES contain Copper and DOES NOT harm fish and shrimp.

Im excited to start dosing:eek:
