According to city water stats..its in the 8-9ph. Now,I guess it comes down a bit in the aquarium...but I have mostly inert things. Even the driftwood is very old and doesn't make tannins any longer.
I'm really amazed at what its done in less than a month..big growth out my sword plant ( compared to the struggler it was) and Anubias are pushing leaves much faster than before..algae free leaves this time. A trident fern that was just skinny stems from sending out growth,roots. Ammania I just added from the LFS..never set back and only has looked healthy first try last year did well at first,then melted on me.
I get the feeling my water has the potassium,phosphates,and manganese they need. Iron was missing. My water supply is the Hetch Hechy from Yosemite... a watershed over granite..said to be about the best water in the state.