The Tube, the 2"Clear PCV should act as a bubble counter if you add the CO2 in at that point. I think having a straight in/out is easier than 90 degrees.
Also, use 1/2" in/out grey barbed PVC adaptors, they provide good flow through.
You can also add a irrigation drip valve to bleed off the excess false gas.
Drill directly into the bottom of the clear PVC for the
CO2 inlet and glue a CO2 line into the unit there. The out lwet can go down a bit and still count the bubbles coming up also.
Some folks add a disc or a fine airstone there, no bubble counting then, but more a hybrid mist/reactor method.
Note, you can make a loop with the false gas bleed and feed this back into the pump intake. This will remove any false gas and improve the dissolution of CO2, it's somewhat like my old idea of a venturi loop, just modifed for an external seal reactor.
You may also add a venturi at the end of the CO2 flow line right before the tank and drill a CO2 bleed line about 1-2" down on the reactor's side.
I've been meaning to show folks a simple external CO2 reactor DIY project for no less than 2 years now, I'm finally done with most of the year's school work and am research only now.
Finally time to play bass, ride, travel and do some fun projects.
Tom Barr
Tom Barr