Espei Pencils - care and acclimation?


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida
Hi all.

I have an opportunity to purchase some Espei pencils for $7 each.

The source is Anubias design where I got all my great cardinals, so I feel they will be healthy stock. I was thinking of getting 30 or so for my 180........

I have kept other pencils but not these.

1. Is this a reasonable price for them? I have seen as much as 10 each.
2. Any special dietary requirements? Will they eat prepared (flake) food?
3. Special acclimation procedures or will how I do for cardinals work?
4. What water column area do they usually occupy? Top third? All over?

Anyone with experience with these fish that want to chime in are welcome.....

Thanks in advance.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Very good price for them.
Feed flake and feed often.
They are very much surface jumpers.
Brine will be eaten, worms, but I do not like live worms.
Flake is fine though, they will live long with that.

Tom barr


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

Thanks for the prompt reply so I can place my order today..........

So why no worms? I use live blackworms about once every 10-14 days and all my fish love them. No issues that I can see...........

I keep them in the fridge while they last.........

I am going to grab 25 espei, and 15 each of the marilynae and the nitidus.

I have never kept any of these species and am looking forward to them.

Anyone with experience with the nitidus or marilynae?

I have always loved pencils and small fish.........

Thanks as always......


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

Fish are in and look very nice! Fed a little flake after 3-4 hours of settling in and was taken eagerly. Took about 90 minutes for transition/acclimation to the quarantine tank!

Only regret is that I didn't get more of the espei! I think I may just grab some more if available but could slap myself now for not just going for more with this order and avoiding another shipping charge/wait DUH:eek: ! Oh well

It is really nice to have something in your tank that for years had only known as pics in a book!

Oh well, now for 4 weeks of so of quarantine and fattening up! One of the species is VERY small right now and may never make it to the big tank as they would just be lost and I'd never see them!. They will be fine in the 45..........or maybe a small species tank later on..........only 15 so a 10-15 gallon would work nicely.

Other two species are similar in body shape/patterning to the beckfordi (golden pencil) but the true colors are not yet out.............

Coulda been a disaster as the waive delivery signature box was not selected and I had a note in the door that I could pick up LATER at such and such place and times. The thought of chasing my box through the day did not sound very appealing............

Luckily he was still around the area and I caught up to him and grabbed my babies.

He was like 'I was going to sign for you but didn't' and I was like, 'sign sign from now on' LOL
