emersed to submersed


Guru Class Expert
Sep 6, 2008
between Sac and Reno
I just ordered some HC it has been grown emersed. I am not sure how to get it to be submersed. I have two small pots of HM but placing it right away submersed has made it die back.
I know Tom started a tank emersed and then made it submersed. I could not find that post so here I am asking about how to do it.

How about other plants that were emersed do you do the same thing with them ( LAMIACEAE SP) as the HC


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

Well, that thread was doing the opposite...


I personally do not think you can grow HC without c02 IME, and could very well be incorrect, but if you want to try...........

You want to go the other way.

So, like any plant that will be submerged, separate the bunches of HC into smaller little ones. Place these a few inches apart in where they will get the best light, co2, nutes, current, etc in the area you want it to cover. This will give it a better chance at the start.

It may melt a lttle, but if the conditions for the plant are adequately met in terms of light, c02(excel), nutrients, flow, etc, I would expect it to start growing soon.

Be patient and give it a couple/three weeks to recover/adapt. Once it starts to grow, it tends to take off, so you will be rewarded.

Hope this helps.


Guru Class Expert
Sep 6, 2008
between Sac and Reno
I thought I might try HC up on a mountain so it is closer to the light. I got a good deal on it growing on a screen.

I also saw an emersed LAMIACEAE SP in pot. The seller said that it could grow submersed. He also said that without CO2 the plant would be sort of green/purple instead of red like it is now.

So I guess what you meant is that I should just place the plant (submersed) in the tank and there may be some die back but this should adjust with time. Is this right?


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Sep 22, 2005
There should be little die back, if any, when you submerse HC IF you provide sufficient CO2.