Please help me resolve this algae problem.
What type of algae ? thread/hair/? etc.
How to kill it ? blackout/WC/ ? etc.
How to prevent it in future ?
* all levels seem ok except for Iron which is low but has only been low for a little while
This is my first tank and I have already done 5 day blackouts 3 different times since setup in April07.
I have tried so many different things in regards to fertization dosage amounts and how long the lights are on and no matter what I try I always end up growing this kind of algae
* this growth in all in a period of 5 days
Please help
What type of algae ? thread/hair/? etc.
How to kill it ? blackout/WC/ ? etc.
How to prevent it in future ?
- Substrate = flourite, laterite, eco complete, sand
- Lights = LED moon , actinic 2x55watt , 4x96watt CF
- Plants = lobellia cardinalis, rotalla wallichi, echinodorus tennelius, hygrophilia , cryptocoryne becketii / brown, italian vals
- Automated Co2 always on w/ph @ 6.8 (using Reactor 1000)
PH/Potential Hydrogen 6.8
No2/Nitrite 0.0
No3/Nitrate 5.0
NH3/Ammonia 0.0
GH/General Hardness 80.0
KH/Carbonate Hardness 80.0
Co2/Carbon Dioxide 21.0
Iron/chelated 0.0
Po4/Phosphate 0.5
Ca/Calcium 20.0
Mg/Magnesium 7.4
Ca:Mg Ratio 2.7
* all levels seem ok except for Iron which is low but has only been low for a little while
This is my first tank and I have already done 5 day blackouts 3 different times since setup in April07.
I have tried so many different things in regards to fertization dosage amounts and how long the lights are on and no matter what I try I always end up growing this kind of algae
* this growth in all in a period of 5 days
Please help