Re: EI testing strategies
So what type of test kits are you using?
In order to have any sense of confidence in a test kit, you need to know if the result they give are accurate ansd reproducable.
Otherwise they send you off on a wild goose chse that I have seem many people go down, sometimes for several years or longer..........
Generally upper range kits, Lamotte and Hach are what I suggest.
Some claim certain cheapy brands work just as well, I'm not conveniced.
You can test the kit against a known standard you can make with DI water and the chemicals, better yet a series of standards over the range of interest.
While testing might seem like a good idea, it can also cause more problems if not used properly and calibrated.
Now you can do that and get somewhere with your test kits.
If you are doing 50-60% weekly changes, it's unlikely you'll go beyond the ranges I've suggested, not that going beyond them will harm fish, you need to get quite high, I honestly do not know HOW much is too much, I've gone to 75ppm NO3, 3-4ppm PO4, 100ppm K+, 2-3 ppm at least on Fe/traces, GH of 25, KH 15 etc.
Do you need this much? No, you can get away with less, there's no rule that suggest you cannot.
These are just max rates for even the most finiky of weeds.
Some plants need more than others, when the levels of NO3 are low, some plants have trouble.
Same with poor use of CO2.
You can be all anal about testing for NO3 and poor with CO2 and that will cause many more issues for you.
I'm not telling you this to confuse you. I'm just saying "test the water" is not as simple as many make it sound.
There are often a couple of things going on, testing good CO2 levels is not easy, no nutrient issue will work if that's messed up.
You can add nutrients 3 x a week(same amounts) and have the same result and not every other day. You can also add perhaps 1/2 the volume and have similar results.
Go conservative at first and watch the plants and their response to nutrients.
Then add more, but add one at a time and see.
Watch the plants, they never lie.
That will get you farther than test kits will.
There's is considerable doubt, to the point of not even bothering to test for traces with an Iron test kit. Try it sometime and see for yourself.
Test at dosing time, 15 min 1 hr, 4 hr and 12 hr.
If I'm not going to test for those, I need another way to assure the plants have enough, I really do not know what too much traces are.
Beyond any positive improvement by adding more seems to be a good enough range to me at high light and non limiting conditions for NO3/PO4/GH/CO2 and light.
Anything less than this, will not have as much demand.
Excess is not going to cause a problem unless very very very high and out of the ranges of most screw ups and over dosings.
The range for good plant growth is very wide as long as there is enough.
Tom Barr