I just read all the EI "sticky's" and confused myself. I have a low light 2wpg (getting PAR next week will know more) on my 45g. I want to use EI starting today. I am out of most of the Seachem's micro and macs. I will use Excel daily. Of the chems used below are there ones that should not be mixed? I want to place the fertz in the daily/week pill holders. Can I try the dosage below for my tank or should I reduce the amounts of each? I also don't think I need GH booster so is that ok?
In a month or so I plant on switching to a 67g with the same light and excel. So I assume that I will need to move up to the next chart (60-80) on dosing? I like the daily dose regime and then nothing on Sunday except WC 50%. Can this be done dry instead of liquid you mention?
40-60 Gallon Aquariums
+/- 1/2 tsp KN03 3x a week
+/- 1/8 tsp KH2P04 3x a week
+/- 1/8 (10ml) Trace Elements 3x a week
50% weekly water change
In a month or so I plant on switching to a 67g with the same light and excel. So I assume that I will need to move up to the next chart (60-80) on dosing? I like the daily dose regime and then nothing on Sunday except WC 50%. Can this be done dry instead of liquid you mention?
40-60 Gallon Aquariums
+/- 1/2 tsp KN03 3x a week
+/- 1/8 tsp KH2P04 3x a week
+/- 1/8 (10ml) Trace Elements 3x a week
50% weekly water change