Ei Dosing Range For [mg] And [ca]


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Oct 20, 2016
Hi folks

I am working on a program (excel spreadsheet) that calculates all you salts for you based on your tank size, WC% and your local water report. You enter your dosing volumes/container size/frequency etc

You select your regime/product then pick your salts you plan you use, and presto its done. It takes account of the water you add and minerals etc. Full breakdown of you fert regime with resultant ppms etc and how much of each salt to add.

The thread I have going over at UKAPS is here

The program is still 'Beta' ATM but its going well IMO.

To enable me to to integrate the EI 'range' correctly for folks, what range of [Mg] and [Ca] for weekly dosing would you advise?

I am not after the [Mg]:[Ca] ratio as I am on the same page as 'Tom' on this with 'Liebigs law'

We do have great Article/Guide done by one of our members 'Clive' aka 'ceg4048' but he is 'AFK' ATM so I am unable to ask his guidance. I have been able to use is 10ppm Mg weekly dose for high light tanks with optimal [CO2]

I may be wrong but I think a sensible range for EI dosing weekly may be

5-10 ppm Mg
3-5 ppm Ca

for them to be non limiting and keep with 'Liebigs law'

Any help/guidance would be much appreciated



"Keep Safe"
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Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Oct 20, 2016
Well from Rolata Butterfly Calculator the range is

Mg 5-10ppm weekly
Ca 15-30 ppm weekly

Just needed to select the correct salt and there it was :rolleyes:

Reason for the slight confusing is that it didn't say it in the thread/articleThe Estimative Index Of Dosing

and had read 'Toms' post here in Balancing Calcium and Magnesium

1. I can have a perfect ratio and still be "limiting" for example. This goes back the Liebig's law.
2. I can have 25ppm Mg and 2 ppm Ca, no issues, same as above back to Liebig's law
3. I can have 2ppm of Mg and 25ppm of Ca++, no issues.
4. If the ratio is important, how can both cases work equally well?

hence I thought the range for [Ca] might be lower

I will use the range from Rolata Butterfly calculator :D

Unless I hear otherwise ;)