Hi all,
I have reviewed the sticky for EI light and that document is the basis of all my questions:
The text states:
'The primary fertilizers are the macro nutrients - Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), and the micro nutrients – trace elements (Plantex CSM+B, Flourish, Tropica Master Grow-TMG). Iron (Fe) can also be supplemented if necessary.'
Also it states the dosing for a 100-120 gallon tank:
100 - 125 Gallon Aquarium
+/- 1 1/2 tsp KN03 3x a week (N)
+/- ½ tsp KH2P04 3x a week (P)
+/- 1.25 tsp once a week(water change only) What is this element? See #3.
+/- ½ tsp (30ml) Trace 3x a week
50% weekly water change
1. Where does Potassium (K) fit in here? I see no reference to it in the dosing parameters above.
2. I have a 180 gal. Should I increase the above dosing by about 30-35% for my size tank?
3. What is the third parameter above at '+/- 1.25 tsp once a week(water change only)' ? Is the the GH booster?
4. My water parms are: GH 140-160 MG/l CaC03 and KH 90-100 mg/L. Should I use the GH booster, or is my water ok?
5. I intend to use Flourish Excel for my trace elements. Is this adequate or is the Plantex a better product.
I have my mouse on the ORDER button (from Greg Watson's site) for the ferts and want to ensure I order correctly. The three ferts I have in my cart are for 1 lb each:
1 Potassium Nitrate KN03
1 Mono Potassium Phosphate KH2P04
1 Potassium Sulfate K2S04
1. Are these the correct items? Am I missing any?
2. I have 450 watts of MH hung 15" above the tank. Should I lower this when I start EI to ensure I have more light to use the ferts, or should I monitor and adjust only if appropriate?
Thanks for all the help. I apologize if this data is in the sticky and I missed it.
I have reviewed the sticky for EI light and that document is the basis of all my questions:
The text states:
'The primary fertilizers are the macro nutrients - Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), and the micro nutrients – trace elements (Plantex CSM+B, Flourish, Tropica Master Grow-TMG). Iron (Fe) can also be supplemented if necessary.'
Also it states the dosing for a 100-120 gallon tank:
100 - 125 Gallon Aquarium
+/- 1 1/2 tsp KN03 3x a week (N)
+/- ½ tsp KH2P04 3x a week (P)
+/- 1.25 tsp once a week(water change only) What is this element? See #3.
+/- ½ tsp (30ml) Trace 3x a week
50% weekly water change
1. Where does Potassium (K) fit in here? I see no reference to it in the dosing parameters above.
2. I have a 180 gal. Should I increase the above dosing by about 30-35% for my size tank?
3. What is the third parameter above at '+/- 1.25 tsp once a week(water change only)' ? Is the the GH booster?
4. My water parms are: GH 140-160 MG/l CaC03 and KH 90-100 mg/L. Should I use the GH booster, or is my water ok?
5. I intend to use Flourish Excel for my trace elements. Is this adequate or is the Plantex a better product.
I have my mouse on the ORDER button (from Greg Watson's site) for the ferts and want to ensure I order correctly. The three ferts I have in my cart are for 1 lb each:
1 Potassium Nitrate KN03
1 Mono Potassium Phosphate KH2P04
1 Potassium Sulfate K2S04
1. Are these the correct items? Am I missing any?
2. I have 450 watts of MH hung 15" above the tank. Should I lower this when I start EI to ensure I have more light to use the ferts, or should I monitor and adjust only if appropriate?
Thanks for all the help. I apologize if this data is in the sticky and I missed it.