The analogy is very much valid.
We as well as plants can and do adapt to low food/nutrients.
Cycling between the high and low ranges is not good for us nor plants.
This is very clear if you eat 5 small meals once a day vs 1 large meal, you feel better, you perform better.
Similar thing with plants.
You don't have to believe me and you go try it yourself and see...........
Try eating once a day, try dosing once a week......
Be my guest
If you have low light, less than 2w/gal normal FL's light, then once a week will likely work, moderate lighting, 2x week can be done, higher light, 3x a week.
The goal is to maintain a range to which the plants adapt, not feast or famine, hence the obvious analogy.
If you read the Newsletter, you'd see why this is true in terms of plant metabolism.
Tom Barr