90 gallon setup with plants for 4 months. Changed to SoilMaster Select 2 weeks ago.
Temp 85
PH 6.8
Ammonia .25
NitrIte 0
NitrAte 30ppm
Gh 7
Kh 3
Phosphates 5.0
Iron negligable
Lighting 130W (1.5 wpg) compact
Filtration Aqua Clear 110 and Xp3 Filstar
9W UV runs 24/7
Fish: 8 adult discus, 12 cardinals, 3 rams, 3 bushynose plecos
Plants: moderately planted Water Sprite, Annubias Nana, E.Ozelot, Ludwigia Repens, E.Bleheri, E.Osiris, Red Lotus, Italian Val, Hygro, Crypt Wendtii
I dose EI: 1/16th tsp- 1/8th tsp Greg Watson PMDD and 2 caps Excel 6 days a week. On WC day, no ferts and 50% WC.
My plants are growing great. But my val is melting away and my swords are getting pinholes. The old leaves are getting transparent from the edges inward. I read it is a potassium deficiency. A week ago I added a one time dose of 1/4 tsp KNO3 and 1/8 tsp KH2PO4 and got GDA and some GSA on the upper leaves of my repens. Didnt seem to do anything for the swords.
What should I change? OR add?
90 gallon setup with plants for 4 months. Changed to SoilMaster Select 2 weeks ago.
Temp 85
PH 6.8
Ammonia .25
NitrIte 0
NitrAte 30ppm
Gh 7
Kh 3
Phosphates 5.0
Iron negligable
Lighting 130W (1.5 wpg) compact
Filtration Aqua Clear 110 and Xp3 Filstar
9W UV runs 24/7
Fish: 8 adult discus, 12 cardinals, 3 rams, 3 bushynose plecos
Plants: moderately planted Water Sprite, Annubias Nana, E.Ozelot, Ludwigia Repens, E.Bleheri, E.Osiris, Red Lotus, Italian Val, Hygro, Crypt Wendtii
I dose EI: 1/16th tsp- 1/8th tsp Greg Watson PMDD and 2 caps Excel 6 days a week. On WC day, no ferts and 50% WC.
My plants are growing great. But my val is melting away and my swords are getting pinholes. The old leaves are getting transparent from the edges inward. I read it is a potassium deficiency. A week ago I added a one time dose of 1/4 tsp KNO3 and 1/8 tsp KH2PO4 and got GDA and some GSA on the upper leaves of my repens. Didnt seem to do anything for the swords.
What should I change? OR add?