EI Dosing Amounts for 50 Gallon


Junior Poster
Dec 19, 2006
Newnan, GA
Hello all,

I am "slowly" getting my 50 gallon tank set up and expect to add plants in about 3 weeks. I want to ensure I have the correct EI dosing amounts understood. I have ordered the macros and GH Booster from Greg Watson. I have a large bottle of Flourish, so I will not being using CSM+B Plantex at this time.

I have about 4 inches of Seachem Flourite in the tank, so I think there is between 40 to 42 gallons of water in the tank. I will use a CO2 (~30ppm), have 192 Watts of 10K/6.7K CF lighting and will be using an Eheim 2126 heated cannister filter.

My plants and fish will be part of an "Asian" tank display, so crypts, java ferns, java moss, Rotala indica and Hygrophila plants along with 6 gold barbs, 15-25 rasboras and 4 dwarf gouramis.

Given the equipment and bio load, I have estimated the following amounts:

1/2 teaspoon of KNO3 3x a week
1/8 teaspoon of KH2PO4 3x a week
3 mL of Seachem Flourish 3x a week
5 mL of Seachem Flourish Excel 3x a week

Macro dosing + 1 1/8 teaspoon baking soda + 2 teaspoon GH Booster ( I have very low KH and GH ) after weekly 50% water change.

Does this look to be accurate? Any suggested changes or additions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your responses.


Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Sounds fine, add 10mls of flourish 3x a week though, not 3mls.
Plant as dense as you can from the start, add the dirty filter pad etc from another tank when starting it up for this tank.

Tom Barr