Hi, Is it safe to use the EI strategy with Discus Fish planted aquarium? Regards, Benny
B bennyss Junior Poster Aug 5, 2005 10 0 1 Sep 2, 2005 #1 Hi, Is it safe to use the EI strategy with Discus Fish planted aquarium? Regards, Benny
O oveb Junior Poster Jan 24, 2005 25 0 1 Sep 2, 2005 #2 Re: EI and Discus Fish Yes of course, only real problem with discus is if you for some reason need to raise temp to above 30 Deg centigrade...
Re: EI and Discus Fish Yes of course, only real problem with discus is if you for some reason need to raise temp to above 30 Deg centigrade...
Tom Barr Founder Staff member Administrator Jan 23, 2005 18,702 791 113 Sep 2, 2005 #3 Re: EI and Discus Fish Sha lu and many other folks bred Discus using EI, so did I. Regards, Tom Barr