Hey everyone, yesterday i found some tubes of glitter at the local Jo Ann fabric. Always being on the look out for a new project i saw that they might make decent drop checkers. I bought a six pack of glitter for $2.50. I also bought some 5/16ths rigid airline and some rubber washers. When i got home i used a soldering iron to melt holes in the bottom of the tubes. After i put the airline in the hole i used 2 part epoxy putty (this is always handy to have around) to secure it. The tubes have a small lip on the bottom so it made it easy to pack the putty in and get a good seal. I used a rubber washer at the top just to ensure a tight fit. I tried to cut off some of the tubes to make the whole thing smaller, it didnt go so well, they kept breaking. I got one cut without breaking but after testing i found the reaction time is no different than the longer tubes. I put the three i made yesterday in the tank this morning before C02 came on, im almost to the end of the light cycle for the day and mine kept up exactly with the one i purchased from aquatic magic.
I hope this helps, it is a very easy cheap project that results in a very useful tool.
I hope this helps, it is a very easy cheap project that results in a very useful tool.