Hi Bio,
May I ask for clarifications on these statements to help me understand your concern(s)? Please remember I am no chemist so keep it simple, please
I get the part about the extra ammnoniacal nitrates in that ammonia in general is not good for fish, esp with higher ph, so that the extra from the osmocote might exacerbate that condition.... At least I think that is your concern as they do mention high ph and hard water. Please correct me if this assumption is incorrect.
I am less concerned about the nitrogen for the moment. If they are overstocked on fish I would be more concerned with general health than issues from too much N. A regular schedule of water changes will alleviate that concern...
Here is where I am confused...
If the osmocate is a 'slow release' method, indicating that the nutrients will not be released immediately but generally over X time frame and perhaps at N % (how the heck do they do this anyway?), why would keeping it a mesh bag in the water column be WORSE than burying in a substrate? Does the substrate itself work to spread the nutes over time? That makes no sense to me as there are too many substrates...the ammonia would still release in the same basic amount, no? Unless the act of burying it does something? Does it have to work in the dark or something? LOL
I have never used osmocote so perhaps that is the issue here
I am just trying to understand your reply and increase my knowledge base.
Many thanks for your patience and time.