I've read on many forums and also looked at different firt calculators about dosing.
They seem to all be a little different and have different idea's.
I really like Quentons Nutri-Calc found on this forum.
My questions are:
Is there any advantage to making solutions for dosing over just dry dosing all my firts. I have been dumping into my tank everything dry right off the spoon.
I have a 29 gallon tank thats about 1 1/2 years old, lots of plants & fish, medium light, pressurized C02, and Flourite.
I dose three times a week:
Kno3 1/4 tsp
K2s04 1/8 tsp
KH2PO4 1/16 tsp
off days CSM+B 1/8 tsp and just recently started dosing just a little extra Iron.
This is based on the preset targets set in Quentons Nutri-Calc of:
Nitrate 20, Phosphate 3.0, Potassium 30, & Traces .5
My KH is 5.5
PH 6.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate about 20
GH 150 ppm with a dip stick test
Another question:
I have some plants with twisted leaves. I read that this could be do to low Calcium. I believe it was suggested that I add Calcium chloride, But with my water parameters, would I still want to add this? I don't even know what that it. and if so, how much and when?
Thank you
They seem to all be a little different and have different idea's.
I really like Quentons Nutri-Calc found on this forum.
My questions are:
Is there any advantage to making solutions for dosing over just dry dosing all my firts. I have been dumping into my tank everything dry right off the spoon.
I have a 29 gallon tank thats about 1 1/2 years old, lots of plants & fish, medium light, pressurized C02, and Flourite.
I dose three times a week:
Kno3 1/4 tsp
K2s04 1/8 tsp
KH2PO4 1/16 tsp
off days CSM+B 1/8 tsp and just recently started dosing just a little extra Iron.
This is based on the preset targets set in Quentons Nutri-Calc of:
Nitrate 20, Phosphate 3.0, Potassium 30, & Traces .5
My KH is 5.5
PH 6.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate about 20
GH 150 ppm with a dip stick test
Another question:
I have some plants with twisted leaves. I read that this could be do to low Calcium. I believe it was suggested that I add Calcium chloride, But with my water parameters, would I still want to add this? I don't even know what that it. and if so, how much and when?
Thank you